
Abraham’s Question

At the beginning of each new month, look for a glimpse into my devotional journal where I use the S.O.A.P. method for Bible study. I trust it will be as...

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Combating Anxiety

At the beginning of each new month, look for a glimpse into my devotional journal where I use the S.O.A.P. method for Bible study. I trust it will be as...

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Four Statements That Guide My Choices.

I’d like to share my personal mission statement with you. It is simple so I can remember it, but the concepts are powerful, and most importantly—biblical. These four simple statements...

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Giving Gospel Oxygen to Others

In my last post, I shared how you can ensure your oxygen mask is on securely so you can better help others during these trying times. Today, I want to share...

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Are You Okay? Here’s Your Oxygen Mask

If you have ever flown on a plane, you’ll recall the instructions given "in the event that the cabin loses pressure, oxygen masks will drop from the ceiling. Put your...

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Questions About the Mark of the Beast

Our Prophecy Q/A Series continues with these questions from a Prophecy Pros podcast listener. Q: Are the mark of the beast and the number 666 the same thing? Doesn't Revelation 13...

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Will People Who Reject Christ and Miss the Rapture Have a Second Chance?

Our Prophecy Q/A Series continues with this question from a Prophecy Pros podcast listener. Q: Do you think there will be a lot of others besides Jewish people that will come...

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Who Are the “Rest of the Dead” in Revelation 20:5?

Our Prophecy Q/A Series continues with this question from a Prophecy Pros podcast listener. Q: During the thousand year reign Rev 20:5 when it says, “the rest of the dead did...

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Where In the Bible Do We Find Prophecy?

Of the 31,124 verses in the Bible, at least 8352 of those contain prophecy (roughly 27 percent). Of those 8352 prophetic verses, 6312 have already been fulfilled. This leaves 2040...

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In What Basic Order Will the End Times Unfold?

Several key passages of Scripture harmonize to logically piece together a clear order of events. The Rapture. The rapture is a signless, imminent (could happen at any moment) future event when...

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