Another critical detail given in the opening chapter of Revelation is the outline of the book! In verse 19 we read, “Write, therefore, what you have seen, what is now and what will take place later.” The basic outline of Revelation, then, is provided for us by Jesus himself.
This is very helpful in terms of understanding the book. This fact shows us that the bulk of the book was future prophecy and that there is an intentional structure to Revelation. We are meant to understand it as future prophecy related to the end times.
With that basic outline in place, we can break the book out into additional sections that help put handles on the book so we can understand the context and purpose better.
Chapters 1-3 contain the letters to the churches, chapters 4-5 show the church in Heaven after the rapture, chapters 6-19 detail the 7-year tribulation period, chapter 20 details the Millennial Kingdom (100-year reign of Christ), then the final two chapters (21-22) explain the eternal state (including the final judgment of unbelievers, the New Heave, the New Earth, and the New Jerusalem).
Once you have these basic book outlines in mind, Revelation becomes that much more understandable, even if you have never studied it before!
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