Book Expo America
OK, not literally. I’ve never met the guy, but have listened to his sermons for years and appreciate his ministry and legacy. So, though I haven’t had the opportunity to meet him, my book cover got to hang out with Tony’s new book at Harvest House Publishers‘ booth at Book Expo America in New York City last week. Harvest House Publishers releases about 150 books per year, so to have The Non-Prophet’s Guide™ to the End-Times as one of six featured covers at their booth is humbling to say the least.
There are four main ways I believe this book will be used.
1: Individual users who want to FINALLY understand Bible prophecy and make sense of the world right now.
2: Bible study groups who want to study the topic together in small groups, discipleship groups, and Sunday schools.
3: Non-Christians who are attracted to the artwork and intrigued by the approach. (Who in the world uses comedy to teach Bible prophecy?
4: As a gift idea that Mature/Seasoned believers can give to others to reach them with the message of Bible prophecy and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
I’ll have to write a post at some point detailing all of the doors the Lord opened for this book to reach people. Literally every step of the way, I have prayed, “Lord shut this thing down if it is not your project. Close doors unless you have plans to use this book reach people. Open this door if this book is yours, and do it in a way that you get the glory, not me.”
God has honored that prayer over and over. My prayer now has shifted to one of reach. “Lord, you know the people that need this book. Please get it into their hands. Lead many people to Jesus through this book and again, I pray you get ALL of the glory.”
So, here’s where you come in…
1: Please pray with me. Pray that God gets this book into the right hands and that everyone who receives this book will have a life-changing encounter with God.
2: Please share this post and other upcoming posts about the book to help spread awareness of the October 2nd release date.
3: Please encourage others to sign up for my newsletter so I can get feedback from more people about topics they want to learn more about.
Thank you in advance for your partnership in ministry!