You may remember the series of funny Direct TV spots that ran this year tracing a cable users small reaction to a frustrating cable TV event that leads to a large scale bad situation.
Today as I was thinking through some milestones for my 2015 goals and a recent life event much like the Direct TV commercials (detailed below), it hit me how important one rarely talked about aspect of leadership and pursuing your calling is, and how this one small thing has big implications.
Gut-Instinct. It won’t scream at you. It won’t throw a fit. It won’t force you to take action. It’s not “fight-or-flight”. It’s a low simmer. It reminds me of “the still small voice” or “gentle whisper” the Biblical Old Testament prophet Elijah wrote about.
As I was analyzing one of my goals and thinking about how it logically fit into my plans, it struck me that I couldn’t explain why some decisions and opportunities seem to draw me more than others. I just know in my gut when the moment is right to pursue an opportunity. There’s an excitement and a draw that occur but it’s deeper than that. There seems to be a strong underlying mature passion and willingness to take on certain challenges.
Some opportunities look great on paper, but in my gut I know something isn’t right with it. By contrast, there are other opportunities that may seem less strategic, but I know in my gut that it’s the right call.
I can honestly say that every time I have neglected to go with my gut, the results have confirmed that I should have. Take this past Saturday for example. After four days of snowboarding at a Christmas family get together in the mountains of PA, we wrapped up our last run of the morning and were about to head in for lunch. My kids wanted to do one last run because we had about 20 minutes to spare so we went.
In my thinking, there was no logical reason not to go for one more run, but in my gut I felt we probably shouldn’t. Logic won out over gut and we went.
Twenty minutes later when we completed the final morning run, I had added a third degree (aka “type III”) separated shoulder and spending a few hours in a small mountain ER to my list of life experiences. Call it intuition. Call it gut-feel. Whatever it is, go with your gut and learn to trust it! It’s a God-given gift. Don’t wind up in a small mountain-town ER! Go with your gut!