Borders, Jewish Traditions, Suicide, Israel, Evidence of God, GQ
The Point: The Situation at the Border . . . Both/And
Breakpoint by John Stonestreet
Here are two statements about our current situation at the border. They’re not contradictory. First: Families should not be separated. Second: The media coverage of this issue is hypocritical.
Jewish Wedding Traditions and the Rapture
Infographic on ToddHampson.com
Suicide rising across the US
Centers for Disease Control
As People drift from Truth they drift from hope…the alarming increase of suicides in America.
How To Know God
Harvest Christian Fellowship
Great resource to send to friends and loved ones. You were created to know God in a personal way—to have a relationship with Him, through His Son, Jesus Christ. How do you start a relationship with God?
Prophecy Update: The World Against Israel
Hope for Our Times
According to Bible prophecy, in the end times, Israel’s importance to global politics will grow larger and larger. And we already see it happening!
The Proof God Exists
Rapture Ready, Britt Gilette
It’s a modern-day miracle – proof of God’s existence in plain view of everyone living in the world today. What is this rock-solid evidence? If you haven’t guessed already – it’s the modern-day nation of Israel.
No GQ, the Bible Is not Racist, Sexist or Boring
Cold Case Christianity with J. Warner Wallace
Recently, the editors of GQ (Gentlemen’s Quarterly online) released its list of 21 Books You Don’t Have to Read.