Just before Christmas I finished the first draft of the manuscript for the Non-Prophet’s Guide™ to Revelation. And this month I’ve been cranking away at all of the artwork for it. On top of that I’ve still been promoting The Non-Prophet’s Guide™ to the End Times every chance I get, and keeping the plates spinning at Timbuktoons, where we are working on the fifth and final season of an animation-driven children’s curriculum for the Salvation Army.
I’ve done some extensive study on the book of Revelation before, but never as deep as I’ve gone to prepare for, and to write this next book in the series. In addition to studying the history, background, and theology of Revelation, I’m also forced to take a more careful look at the details than I ever have before because of the artwork I’m producing for the book.
As I have studied these details, it has made me even more convinced that we are living in the last days. I don’t believe in newspaper exegesis but when you study Daniel, Revelation, and the Olivet discourse, you can’t help but to notice so many of the striking details that line up PERFECTLY with our times.
In many ways, studying prophecy and the signs of the times is a lot like being a special ops soldier or secret service agent. To the untrained eye, an environment may look perfectly safe, but a secret service agent or a special ops soldier will notice all the potential danger factors to consider. In other words they see the environment differently, but very accurately, because of their training.
Or if that analogy doesn’t work for you, how about this one. Studying Bible prophecy in these last days is like putting on infrared goggles. With those goggles on you are able to see the heat signature of anything hiding in plain view that is otherwise not seen with the naked eye.
Perhaps it is God‘s providence that I took such a deep dive on the book of Revelation and wrote the manuscript during this chaotic time when all end time events are ramping up rapidly.
That being said, here’s a short list of some of the key things I’m personally keeping an eye on this year. I wish I had time right now to unpack each of these, but I have a giant water-walking angel with a little scroll, several multi-headed chimera creatures, and a 1400 square mile hovering New Jerusalem waiting to be drawn (yes, there are some very strange things in the book of Revelation).
Mid-East Peace Deal
Trumps “deal of the century” Mid-East peace deal has been postponed yet again because of the forced early election in Israel. Of all the birth-pain-like iterations of previous peace deals, this one seems to be the MOAD—the Mother of All Deals. Scripture tells us that the future antichrist will strengthen and enforce a covenant with Israel and “many. ” In other words, he’ll add to and put into play a plan that is already on the table. Look for the MOAD to be released after the April elections. OR, look for the MOAD to be postponed yet again if Netanyahu is not reelected.
Isaiah 17 states Damascus will be destroyed overnight—suddenly…and completely. With the US pulling out of Syria (sort of…let’s keep an eye on this too) and calling Ambassadors home from Damascus, expect to see the heat turned up on this ancient city as Iran becomes more entrenched there. At some point, for some reason, someone will destroy Damascus suddenly. Many prophecy experts think this may be the domino that leads to the Ezekiel 38 war. Speaking of which…
Ezekiel 38 Alliance/Developments
Ten years ago, there was not a single sign or development for this prophesied invasion of Israel from the north. Today, the EXACT conditions, players, alliances (on both sides of the equation), and intentions are ALL actively in play as the stage is being SO VERY CLEARLY set for this future war against Israel. (Read Ezekiel 38-39)
Globalism VS Nationalism
Look for increasing chaos in America as the globalist and nationalist ideologies collide. Look for the same in Europe where the yellow vests and their protests are spreading from country to country. Daniel and Revelation (and other passages) tell us that in the end-times Europe will be united but struggling to remain so.
Financial Bubble Struggle
Look for increased debt, near-financial collapse, trade wars, weak global economies, and wild fluctuations in the market. Scripture teaches (Revelation 6) there will be a global financial collapse AFTER the rapture, but Jesus taught in the Olivet Discourse (Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21) that it would be business as usual just before the rapture. For several years now it seems the only thing keeping the global financial bubble in tact is providence.
Increased Antisemitism and Christian Persecution
In previous years, and especially in 2018, there has been a dramatic, measurable, documented, worldwide rise in antisemitism on every continent. There has also been a rise in Christian persecution, not just in traditionally oppressive areas, but also against Christian beliefs in western nations in Europe and America. I wish I had time to post various news articles to prove my point. One author, a Jewish Christian, whom I had the privilege to meet at a conference in December calls it “end-times antisemitism” and unpacks this phenomena very clearly and compellingly.
All Eyes On Israel
Look for continued attacks from the UN, progressives, more nations, and sadly—even some denominations who believe in replacement theology and who push the BDS agenda, against the tiny nation of Israel. Also, look for continued economic growth in Israel this year. Though the size of New Jersey, Israel has the 8th strongest military in the world, has a GDP that has grown approximately 300% in less than a decade, and has discovered some of the largest gas and oil fields just last few years—AFTER DECADES of seeming Israel was the one place in the Middle East where there was no oil.
Deluge of Strong Delusion
Look for increasing ways modern culture will lose it’s grip on reality and seemingly sane and intelligent people find new ways to embrace the absurd. Most notably this war on logic, scientific, and historical fact will likely increase in the areas of sexuality, origins, and Israel’s history. You wouldn’t know it but study after study (including this secular study) demonstrates that humans came into being suddenly, and that there was some type of catastrophic global event, and that naturalism/evolution is statistically impossible. You wouldn’t know it but schools in the UK are literally teaching children that boys can have menstrual periods.
There are so many other things to cite, like the coarsening of culture, increase in violence, America’s foundations crumbling, satanism and the occult moving into the mainstream, increased earthquakes and natural disasters, clear end-time technology expansion and development…and so much more—that it was tough to pick just a few things. So much is happening so fast right now that it is hard to keep up.
EVERYTHING I mention above (and so much more) relates directly to end-times Bible prophecy and has only recently come into play. Call me crazy, but when I put on my infrared goggles I see heat signatures lighting up all over the board! I don’t know the timing of the Lord’s return, but I can confidently say we are in the season. PLEASE study these things for yourself. If you wished you lived in Biblical times—you’ve got it!
Keep an eye out for news stories related to all of the above, and when things get scary or overwhelming just remember Luke 21:28!