At the beginning of each new month, look for a glimpse into my devotional journal where I use the S.O.A.P. method for Bible study. I trust it will be as encouraging for you as it is for me and if you haven’t already, give this method a try.


Ecclesiastes 5:19b—to enjoy your work and accept your lot in life—this is indeed a gift from God.


Work is a gift from God.
Enjoy and accept are action words. Verbs. Most importantly, they are choices!
Joy is separate from circumstance. Happiness comes from happenings—things around you. Joy is different. It comes from a deeper place that we can tap into if we know the Lord.
As Nehemiah said (Nehemiah 8:10), the joy of the Lord is your strength.


We need to choose joy if we know the Lord. He is our well of strength and the single factor that enables us to push through tough circumstances, hard work, or disappointing news.

We need to accept and embrace where the Lord has us. We need to remember that He alone is sovereign. That means He is ultimately in control. He works the nightshift so we do not need to stay up!

Even in a fallen world, the work that the Lord has given us to do is a gift from Him! If we submit it to him, it has eternal meaning. One day believers will be able to work for the Lord without the curse of sin. Our work will be our rest!


Lord, please give us this perspective today. Help us to see you in our lives and in our work. Help us to accept where you have us and choose joy no matter what is happening around us. You are our rock and our lives and future are in your hands!

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