You may recall that in the New Testament Gospel accounts Jesus was crucified on Passover. This was not random or coincidental. The very first Passover—found here in Exodus chapter 12—was a detailed prophetic foreshadow of the events surrounding the crucifixion of Jesus.
Jesus is depicted as the Lamb of God in the New Testament (ex. John 1:29; Revelation 12:11) and was literally inspected (went on trial) and sacrificed (sentenced to crucifixion) on Passover (John 19:14; 16).
Here is a brief comparison showing some of the details of the first Passover and how they pointed to the future Messiah:
The sacrifice was to be a lamb (vs. 3, 5).
Jesus is known as the Lamb of God.
The sacrifice was to be a male (vs. 5).
Jesus is a male.
The sacrifice was to be a without blemish (vs. 5).
Jesus is the sinless Son of God.
The sacrifice was to be a in the prime of life (vs. 5).
Jesus was about 33 when he was crucified.
The sacrifice was to be presented and examined days before Passover (vs. 3-6).
Jesus entered Jerusalem riding on a donkey days before his crucifixion (Matthew 21:1-17; Mark 11:1-11; Luke 19:29-40; John 12:1, 12-19).
The sacrifice was to be killed publicly (vs. 6).
Jesus was killed publicly.
The sacrifice was to be killed on Passover (vs. 6).
Jesus was crucified on Passover (Luke 22:7-8).
The sacrifice was to be roasted by fire (vs. 8).
Took the full judgment of God upon himself.
The sacrifice was to be dead by twilight (vs. 6).
Jesus died before evening (John 19:31).
The sacrifice was not to have any broken bones (vs. 46).
Jesus did not have any broken bones (Psalm 34:20; John 19:31-34).
The sacrifice was to be consumed by the end of the day (vs. 10)
Jesus body was buried quickly in Joseph’s tomb before the Sabbath began at nightfall (John 19:40-42)
The Israelites were saved by the blood on the top and sides of the door (vs. 7, 12)
We are saved by the sacrificial blood of Christ (Ephesians 1:7).
The sacrifice was not to be eaten by foreigners (vs. 43)
Jesus came first to save the household of Israel (Matthew 15:24).
But those outside the family could be grafted in and be saved.
But gentiles can be grafted in and saved (Romans 11:17-18)
The calendar was changed because of Passover (Exodus 12:2).
The world calendar is divided between BC and AD.
The Passover designated the new year (Exodus 12:2).
The shed blood of Jesus ushered in the New Covenant/New Testament (Luke 22:20).
This article is adapted from my book The Chronological Guide to Bible Prophecy.