This article continues a new Prophecy Q/A series, where I do my best to answer questions from readers like you.
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Q: During the Tribulation, we see that God pours out his wrath on the earth through the seal, trumpet, and bowl judgments. But is the antichrist’s persecution part of God’s wrath, or is it Satan’s wrath?
Yes, all of those elements are a result of God’s wrath. In Romans 1 we read of God’s abandonment wrath—where he just steps away and lets the effects of the fallen world and the fallen nature of man take over. The Tribulation period is all God’s wrath (in its various forms including abandonment and active wrath, particularly when Jesus will literally destroy the antichrist armies etc.).
The judgments get worse and worse, but in the midst of judgment, there is still the offer of grace. God will send 144k Jewish evangelists, the 2 witnesses, an earth-circling gospel angel, and the witness of Bibles and books left behind to reach a large number of people during the Tribulation period. So, within his wrath (in all of its forms) a key purpose is to get people to turn to Christ.
Q: Is Daniel’s 70th week the same as the Tribulation period?
Yes, the Tribulation period will be exactly 7 years and it will be the 70th week from Daniel 9 with the primary focus on judging the nations and calling the Jewish people (and anyone else who will still listen) to receive Christ.