I don’t know if you have noticed, but our world and culture aren’t doing us any favors in terms of helping people live with sexual integrity. Culture coarsens more with each passing day.

TV shows, movies, and internet content are becoming more and more sexually explicit with no regard to the innocence of children or the toll it takes on marriages, families, and society. In my upcoming book I have a chapter that talks about the increase of violence and immorality in the end-times. I had to research to get concrete data to share in that chapter and the statistics will stagger you.

At my animation company (where we also work with ministries on strategy and branding), we just recently finished working with a ministry that helps church leaders and others fight the battle against lust and pornography. While researching other ministries and organizations, we came across several that are worthy of note. Some are Christian-based, while others are secular and focus on the science behind addiction and the effects it has on relationships and society.

One of the key markers of the end-times is the widespread increase of immorality and I wanted to share some of these resources we found. Statistics show that many Christians (both men and women) are addicted to pornography and/or have a hard time guarding themselves against it. With screens in our pockets and culture continuing to lower the bar of morality, it’s more important than ever that we talk about the topic and challenge each other to resist the destructive schemes of our enemy.

Don’t faint now. Stay strong. Keep fighting. It will be worth it!

A study of Bible prophecy helps us want to serve Christ through a life of purity and strength as we see the evil schemes of the enemy for what they are, and as we see the day of the Lord’s return drawing closer. Don’t faint now. Stay strong. Keep fighting. It will all be worth it! If you are struggling with addiction or sinful patterns in this area, there is hope. Keep getting back up. Get accountability. Drag it out into the open. When you keep it hidden, that’s where the enemy does his best work. Drag it out into the light of the forgiveness of Christ.

Here are some resources that will help inform and equip you to fight this battle successfully until the Lord returns or he calls you home!

Christian Based

Living Without Lust

Harvest USA

Brushfires Foundation

Project Six19

Sexual Integrity Initiative

Secular (But good data and other great info)

Fight The New Drug (Site and Anthem Video)

Protect Young Minds

Enough Is Enough

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