This 19 page workbook is designed to take you from ambiguity and confusion to career clarity. Whichever S5 stage you find yourself in, this workbook will help with 5 hands on lessons with engaging and practical exercises to help you nail down your core talent, internal drivers, marketability, and specific creative career focus.
Getting clear is one thing, but getting going is another. In addition to helping you get clear, this workbook will walk you through how to set Creative S.M.A.R.T. goals and develop a specific action plan to move you step-by-step to your Creative Career Goals!
I designed a system called the S5 Funnel that moves you from broad ambiguity to clear, focused, concrete action.
I want to get this into the hands of as many creatives, artists, students, musicians, graphic designers, animators, illustrators, art teachers, game artists, game developers, fine artists, freelancers, character designers, background artists, artisans, actors/actresses, and creative business professionals as possible. I really believe it will help anyone in an S5 stage FINALLY pick a direction and move with focused action.
If you are tired of wondering which direction to go with your creative career and development, then this workbook is the perfect place to start!