Torn from the Pages of My Personal Journal
Using the S.O.A.P. method again, I also capitalized key words in the application section to make sure what I wrote in the application section was action-oriented.
1 Corinthians 1:18
For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.
People don’t just “perish” at death. Without Christ we are already dead, but getting dead-er (perishing).
Unfortunately, if we die apart from Christ we would experience the final state of perishing. It’s a process of dying, or withering apart from the life-giving life of Christ.
Similarly, there are 3 aspects of salvation when we do believe in Christ. At the moment of salvation, we are saved from the PENALTY of our sin. As we live life with Christ we are being saved from the POWER of sin. In the future we will be saved from the very PRESENCE of sin.
The longer someone rejects Christ, the harder their hearts become toward him. But, with God all things are possible. Never stop praying for loved ones who need Jesus.
Spiritually dead people can’t see spiritual truth.
For spiritually alive people, the cross is everything. It is the epicenter of our faith and the key event of history.
The cross is the ultimate power-source for the believer. It’s where we turn in the struggle of daily life.
We shouldn’t get offended when people don’t see the truth of the cross. We should pray for the Holy Spirit to draw them through our interaction with them. Our job is to be a simple witness to the power of the cross. We are to lift Jesus up and scripture says that will draw people to him. We should also reflect often on the cross and all that it accomplished for us. It should guide our daily lives and spiritual growth and choices.
Lord, please draw those who are perishing. Help me to point them to you. Continue to save me from the power of sin and lead me to think often of the cross and what you did for me there.
Additional/related verse to study: 1 Corinthians 2:14