Endurance Training, Trusting the Gospel, All Show, Christians and LGBT Theology, the Last Gen, Watching and Waiting, How to Not Read the Bible

Endurance Training

Here’s a quick devotion from Pastor Greg Laurie on James 1:2-3. You can listen or read from the link above!

How Can We Trust the Gospel Accounts…?

Cold Case Christianity
J. Warner Wallace answers the question, “How can we trust the Gospel accounts if they were written by Christians?” Take a look at this 2-minute clip to find out what he says.

All Show and No Go

Here’s another short devotion from Pastor Greg Laurie, this time focusing on Jude 1:20-21. What does it look like to put our faith into action?

Why Some Christians Embrace LGBT Theology

We’re seeing more and more evangelicals coming to the defense of LGBT lifestyles and actions. Why is that?

Defining the Last Generation

Prophecy Watchers
One of the longer articles for this week, but well worth the read. The team at Prophecy Watchers helps us look at the whole counsel of God’s Word to see how the “last generation” is defined.

Watching and Waiting

What can I say, I’m a sucker for a good devotion! Pastor Greg Laurie writes a short reflection on 2 Peter 3:9.

How Not to Read the Bible

Couldn’t have summarized this one better than the title already has! You can read this one or watch the short 4-minute video.

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