I was honored to have the opportunity to interview prophecy expert, Pastor J.D. Farag. J.D.’s weekly YouTube updates are always timely, eye-opening, and thoroughly Biblical. We could have easily recorded for hours, but kept it a little shorter than that :o). I split the interview up into 2 segments since it was a bit lengthy. Enjoy part 1 and I’ll have part 2 out later this week.
Pastor J.D. Farag has a worldwide online Bible prophecy ministry in addition to pastoring a church in Hawaii. In Part 1 of my interview with Pastor J.D. Farag we talk about he and his family’s legal immigration from Egypt to the U.S. to flee persecution, how get got started in the ministry, what led him to study Bible prophecy, what led him to start his weekly Mid-East Prophecy Updates, the excitement and joy that comes with the Pre-Tribulation view of the rapture, theological error relating to the nation of Israel (known as replacement theology) and so much more.
Pastor J.D. Farag’s YouTube Channel
J.D.’s Church, Calvary Chapel Kaneohe
You can also follow him on Twitter.
I also mention Pastor J.D.’s friend Amir Tsarfati. See information on Amir’s ministry here:
Behold Israel’s Website
Behold Israel YouTube Channel
You can also follow Amir on Twitter.