Many believers are witnessing the continuous unprecedented events. It truly seems that lawlessness in high places is going completely unchecked while evil is getting a free pass. It seems as if the intense spiritual warfare in the unseen realm is having a very real effect on daily events around the world. Wars, corruption, extreme immorality, deception, and mass delusional thinking are represented in nearly every daily news headline!
So what should we do? How should we view all of this? How can we move forward without being full of fear about these events and the uncertainty in the future?
First, we must remember this is not our home. We are citizens of Heaven. We are ambassadors here—using our influence and calling to point people to the good news that Jesus Christ died for their sins.
Second, we must put our complete trust in God. He is sovereign. He knows every detail of everything that is occurring—and he is allowing the prophetic puzzle pieces to fall into place for all end-time events to take place. The stage is being set for earth’s final act. We don’t know the day or the hour. We don’t even know if the tribulation will occur in our lifetime or not—but we can see the shadows of the tribulation period casting upon us ahead of itself.
Third, we need to trust God’s timing for the blessed hope—the rapture of the Church. We know it will occur prior to the events of the tribulation period, but we don’t know just how crazy things will get prior to that amazing future event. One thing seems apparent—normal isn’t coming back…but Jesus is!
Fourth, we need to remember that we are in the middle of an intense spiritual war that has been going on for ages—and ramping up further now as we near the end of the Church age. Now more than ever, believers must understand the collision of end-time prophecy and spiritual warfare. We must know how to use the spiritual armor Paul taught about in Ephesians chapter six.
Fifth and finally, we must replace fear with faith. Now is the time to put our money where our mouth is. We say we trust God. That is easy to do in times of comfort and ease, but faith really only truly matters when the going gets rough.
As the times get darker, let us draw closer to the Lord. He is our anchor in the storm. He is our rock and our refuge. Let’s put our hope and trust in Him today as we continue to walk by faith and trust God with the timing and the results.
Let us not lose focus on our main mission—the great commission. Focus your energy on telling others about what Christ did on the cross to pay for our sins. It is a fact of history. We can’t force others to accept Christ, but we can lift him up so that others are drawn to him!